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Dr. Julianne Blake to be Featured on CUTV News Radio

TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA, UNITED STATES, September 20, 2018 / -- Chronic pain, stress, and anxiety affects millions of men and women all over the world robbing them of living a joyful life. In vain, people turn to medication that may alleviate their symptoms but create harmful long term side effects. How can we combat painful symptoms and regain a vibrant, joyful life?

Dr. Julianne is an outstanding psychotherapist, radio host, healer, empowerment coach, and co-author of “The Success Secret” with Jack Canfield, famous for Chicken Soup for the Soul.

“It was my natural inclination to be drawn towards healing since I was very young,” says Dr. Julianne. “When we take care of our mental state, mood, and happiness, we choose who we love to be with, then we can create a beautiful life, and it’s my mission to create a prescription for joy, and a life full of gratitude and healing.”

When in college, Dr. Julianne focused on healing. She began to read the research and new books about natural ways to heal cancer. She travelled over the world studying healing and spirituality, learning acupuncture and deep meditation.

“I was moved by how very many people that approached me were the ones that were really truly open enough to believe in the possibilities of natural healing,” says Dr. Julianne. “When people are being open and willing to learn it is essential because how we think and believe is absolutely critical to achieving our success.”

Many of Dr. Julianne’s clients explore different healthy diets, such as raw food, Vegan, Ketogenic and Paleo diets, in hopes of curing their cancer and Dr. Julianne has been surprised and astounded to discover that all can be effective when people are very committed and believe in it wholeheartedly. “The committed heart is immensely powerful,” she says.

“People really need to treat themselves and each other in a very loving, nurturing, empowering way and that’s my mission in life.”

Having been stricken with autoimmune disease and a rare form of multiple sclerosis, Dr. Julianne has spent decades successfully helping people all over the world overcome health issues challenges. Now she’s working on creating an ingenious coaching program to guide people to care for themselves deeply yet effortlessly - through healthy sleep, hydration, exercise, nourishment and “ATTITUDE.” Only what matters most!

“It’s a little disconcerting to note how recently and right now obesity is skyrocketing,” says Dr. Julianne. “More and more of the population seems tired - stressed out, worn down, and utterly fatigued. Much of this has to do with the dangerous chemicals and electromagnetic pollution everywhere in our environment. People should be cautious of using cell phones and lap tops by keeping them farther away from their bodies and using them less often. That is a big challenge.”

Dr. Julianne affirms the high value of keeping the mind, body, and soul genuinely joyful by choosing exercise you actually enjoy like dancing or if you love it, playing tennis. Don’t push to do things you dread. Do movement that feels good and makes you feel elated, happy!

“Do things in life with joy,” says Dr. Julianne. “Whatever I experience, whether it’s being in nature, working, or writing, I realize it’s very important how I monitor my attitude. Create joy, ignite it, live it, and bring it forth in whatever you do.”

“I want to feel every day like I’m falling in love. You can too!”

CUTV news will feature Dr. Julianne Blake in an interview with Doug Llewellyn Thursday September 20th at 3 p.m. and with Jim Master on September 27th at 3 p.m.

Listen to the show on BlogTalkRadio.

If you have any questions for our guest please call (347) 996-3389

For more information on our guest please visit

Author: Beatrice Maria Centeno

Lou Ceparano
(631) 850-3314
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