WASHINGTON, D.C. — At its board meeting last week, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce awarded the Accreditation designation to 15 chambers of commerce for their sound policies, effective organizational procedures, and positive impact on their communities.
“Chambers of commerce nationwide play a vital role in their communities every day,” said Raymond P. Towle, Vice President, Federation Relations and Coalition Partnerships at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. “From connecting business owners with needed resources, to advocating on behalf of their region with lawmakers, these chambers convene thought leaders to strengthen the collective voices of their members. Achieving Accreditation is a mark of excellence for the organization, its staff, and its leadership. This designation recognizes the positive impact these organizations have on their communities and honors their ongoing commitment to serving local businesses.”
The U.S. Chamber's Accreditation Program facilitates continuing excellence in the chamber industry and fosters a pro-business environment across America. In order to receive Accreditation, a chamber must meet minimum standards in their operations and programs, including areas of governance, finance, human resources, government affairs, communications, and technology. This extensive self-review can take 6-9 months to complete.
Local and regional chambers are rated “Accredited,” “Accredited with 3 Stars,” “Accredited with 4 Stars,” or “Accredited with 5 Stars.” State chambers are rated “Accredited State Chamber,” or “Accredited State Chamber with Distinction.” The final determination is made by the accrediting board, a committee of U.S. Chamber Board members, and chamber CEOs from across the country.
The following chambers of commerce earned an Accreditation designation:
Accredited with 3 Stars
Accredited with 4 Stars
Accredited with 5 Stars
Accredited State Chamber of Commerce
Accredited State Chamber of Commerce with Distinction